Friday, December 23, 2011


How important are friends... and how can you measure friendship?? I think we've all been faced with having to do this, but unless you take the time to cherish it... and realize what life can be like without it... That friendship can fade away and before you know it... you're left standing there and realizing what is missing in your life.
Friends are gifts...Take every advantage you can to be true to your friendships and let them know what they mean to you. Don't assume they are always going to be there, because in a New York minute... that friendship can be gone forever and you won't even realize it.
Friends are gifts... and should be cherished and held near and dear. Not taken for granted. Friendships should be comforted in times of need, enjoyed in happy times, and always always held with care, love and understanding. Honesty should be added to the mix, to make it stronger.
Friends are gifts... Don't ever forget that.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

4 days before Christmas

Twas 4 days before Christmas, and all through our house.
Not a pup was stiring, not even a bark.
The tree was lit, the decorations hung.
Our pups were sleeping, each in their beds
Dreams were running through each of their heads
As chicken strips, and rollover danced in their heads
Mama was on the computer , looking at pictures
of last years Christmas, and smiled as she did.
Videos were made, cards were sent
All of them made with the pictures she had
Dreaming as well, of what this year would bring
Of her cute little shih Tzus, all dressed in their things
The time came and the grooming began
The pups were worried of what was to come.
Their clothes laid out and ready for dress
2012 was no different from the rest
Dresses and sweaters, and hats were tried
scarves and jackets added sometime.
Sitting and laying, and posing as well
Will make these pictures, equally swell.
Now Chloe! Now Vern! Now Papa Coke too
It's time for pictures, and to dress up too
And the camera flashed, and pictures were taken
Wait till next year, You'll get to see them too
"Merry Christmas to all... and to all a good night!"
The Animal Rescue Site

Monday, December 19, 2011

It's been a while

busy time of year, and it's had me doing lots of things. The week-end over, I am now taking time to catch up. Finally have e-mail connected to my phone. Something I haven't been able to do for some time.

Christmas is less than a week away. Lots of things to do, and parcels still to leave. Waiting for pieces to come still. sigh. Obviously these parcels will be late. Good thing I don't do Christmas presents. lol Well, my kids (dogs) have friends they want to send things to. What can I say?

I saw a cute little video I wanted to share.

best friends

***Have any of you wondered what the real Christmas Story was all about? Here is a video to explain it. It's really worth the watch.

They have such cute and beautiful things out for Christmas. Here is Celine Dion and Andrea Bocellie to show us just how beautiful Christmas can sound like.

**There is also much sadness around Christmas. Death, illness, poverty, loneliness. And what a helpless feeling it can be to not be able to do anything about it. Well, there is something we can do about it. We can pray. Please...

Please pray for my friend's sister in law Lee, who is in ICU with legionnaire's disease. She has been fighting a few days but it is still very critical. She and her family could sure use some extra prayers.

Also, a friend's year old niece is having a bone marrow test. She has been diagnosed with lymphatic leukaemia. She is only 5 years old. A candle lighting has been set up for her, so feel free to go light a candle. She and her family could sure use your support.

Also, my best friend is sick with infection to the bladder, ears, and sinus. She suffers from Alzheimer's, and blindness. She also has an enlarged ovary, which is a bit of a concern at this point. Please, include her in your prayers.

*** The count down is on. Christmas is this Sunday. Do you celebrate Christmas day? Or Christmas Eve?
What do you do to celebrate?

Would love to hear from you
Happy Monday

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Been away for a few days. But not without doing any graphing. That would be unheard of here. This year I decided that instead of giving out cards, I was going to make one, and send it via e-mail, and save the $$$ and make a donation to our local Humane Society.  With the cost of postage, and cost of cards, even when I make them myself, it adds up. And it's not that people aren't worth it, nor is it that I can't afford it, but there are so many places in desperate need of help, and I thought this was more within the Christmas spirit.

From the Humane Society:
This makes it all worth while, and makes you realise you did the right thing.

"Thank you for your very generous gift to The Winnipeg Humane Society that you made on our secure website. Please be assured that your record remains confidential and is secure. Your gift is directed to caring for the many animals that turn to us for a second chance at life. These animals are just looking for the basic necessities of shelter, food, medical care, and love. Thank you for making it possible. If you would like to learn more about how your support benefits the animals in our care and our community - please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerest thanks,"

Thursday, December 08, 2011

That time of year

Christmas is coming... And cards are coming in. As I'm opening cards from friends, I am finally starting to get into the spirit of Christmas. It does take time it seems. Every year... I never want the tree up, and I never want to decorate, and I hate the chaos. But finally, today the 8th of December, I am struck with a slight feeling of Christmas...
The important things such as friendship, and giving, especially to those that need. The spirit of Christmas is felt when I can look around and realize how lucky I am and find ways to make a difference to those who need it. All those coats that are hanging in the closet that I hope will one day fit. Or the many sweatshirts that are tight, but I hope can fit some day. Well, why not take some of those clothes and send them to those who need it. Stop off and do something good for someone. Help them out, or let someone in when there is a long line up of traffic. It's these little things that can make me feel good, that can make a difference, but that also bring more meaning to Christmas.

I did some photos for a friend's pups for Christmas. These are from last year, but I want to share them anyway. Some are of my kids, and some are of their friends.
Enjoy....... I'll post more some day......

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Another day ... but away from "Colette's desk". I'm off to visit a friend who needs ongoing care. It's always fun to spend time with her and build memories while we still can. You never know what tomorrow will bring. Alzheimers is one of the saddest ilnesses that robs you of who you are. So today, I'm going to display pictures I've done of my kids and friendship. lol. Just fun pics. But friendships are so important, that no matter how long ago.... they are always still so important.

Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Making cards

Spent my day making cards for the church. These cards are used for various reasons, but mostly as get well cards... or when someone passes on. So, wording is critical, since you don't want to tell someone to get better when you know they aren't. You want cheery, while still bringing comfort. Here's a few I made today.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Did you ever wonder...

What is it that makes people do the things they do? I mean... what is it that makes us like to do certain things and hate other things? I ask... because never did I know I would enjoy anything artistic, since I haven't an artistic bone in my body. Yet.... I love graphing and creating and seem to have an eye for things like that. If you like something, you're going to be better at it aren't you? Than if you don't like it?

Chloe at the Beach
I love doing stuff with my dogs. They always seem to work well into almost any picture. I do my dogs, as well as other friend's dogs too. Is there anything more fun to work with, or play with that our wonderful K9 friends?
We can go on safari's with them...

 They can sure teach us a thing or two. We could learn from our friends.

And in return, we've got to keep them warm...

 And treat them like royalty. This is of course, Chloe's life. A princess with four legs.
(Look who's hiding under the bed)

About me

I'm new at blogging, but wanted to try to see if I could make a go of it.
I'm a stay at home mom to three beautiful Shih Tzu's who are the love of my life. All seniors now, they require medical care, but are still energetic, and fun to play with. They will always be babies to me.

I live in Winnipeg Canada, and let me tell you, our winters are cold here. I've lived here all my life, but am still not used to these temperatures, and the older I get the less I like it.

Since I've been home, I've started doing graphing, and have found that this is my passion. Not as creative as I'd like to be, but I somehow manage to get allot of graphing done and compliments from folks. I've made lots of cards, posters, scrapbooking, and all kinds of pictures for friends. I'd like to share some of my work and hope you enjoy it too.

Feel free to comment.