Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Been away for a few days. But not without doing any graphing. That would be unheard of here. This year I decided that instead of giving out cards, I was going to make one, and send it via e-mail, and save the $$$ and make a donation to our local Humane Society.  With the cost of postage, and cost of cards, even when I make them myself, it adds up. And it's not that people aren't worth it, nor is it that I can't afford it, but there are so many places in desperate need of help, and I thought this was more within the Christmas spirit.

From the Humane Society:
This makes it all worth while, and makes you realise you did the right thing.

"Thank you for your very generous gift to The Winnipeg Humane Society that you made on our secure website. Please be assured that your record remains confidential and is secure. Your gift is directed to caring for the many animals that turn to us for a second chance at life. These animals are just looking for the basic necessities of shelter, food, medical care, and love. Thank you for making it possible. If you would like to learn more about how your support benefits the animals in our care and our community - please do not hesitate to contact me.
Sincerest thanks,"

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